I met Dakota Robertson

I met Dakota Robertson.

For those who don’t know who he is, he is kind of a big deal in the Online Creator space.

He has a following of over 500k across social media platforms and has built a million dollar Ghostwriting business through social media writing.

I was lucky enough to be able to network with him and help him build a new product.


- Standing out

- Taking action

- Being genuine

Here’s how I got this opportunity…

Only 10 out of 11,000 were selected.

Dakota emailed his 11k subscribers, asking us to fill out a form.

He and his team reviewed the responses and X profiles, shortlisting 10 for a call to help with ideas for a new product.

Days later, he sent me a DM on X:

“I think you’ll be a good fit.”

Why was I shortlisted?

1. I took action:

I immediately filled out the form.

(Network with large creators. Don’t let fear stop you.)

2. Being genuine:

I answered questions about my goals and personal brand genuinely.

(Be yourself at all times.)

3. I stood out:

My profile speaks for itself.

Many say they love my:

- Aesthetics

- Banner

- Bio

People judge within 3 seconds, so make a great first impression.

Peep my profile for ideas and drop a follow if you want to learn more about standing out.

Thanks for reading, friends.

- Jono