How to be incomparable

The WORST thing you can do in life?

Is not just taking it for granted, no.

The worst thing you can do:

Compare yourself to others.

It’s killing your:

  • Creativity

  • Motivation

  • Confidence

“If you don’t compare yourself to others, no body can compare to you.” 

- The Tao

We are constantly surrounded by comparison

  • Social media

  • Advertisements

  • Peers in the workplace

Media and advertisements are getting our attention to tease us about what our lives “could” look like with their product.

Social Media stars are flaunting a “dream life” of travel and adventure to their normie followers.

Your peers are getting promoted or don’t need to work as hard as you do.

Celebrities are getting beauty enhancements to appear “more attractive”.

Everywhere you go you’ll spot opportunities to see how other people live a “better” life than you or have things you don’t.

TikTok and Instagram are drip-feeding you small doses of “your life is boring” medicine.

One video after another, your mind is constantly reminded that you live a normal boring life.

You’re programming yourself to think you’re not good enough, because “those people have a better life”.

Day after day, moment after moment, you’re slowly killing your happiness and confidence.

You want to learn a new skill but others are better than you so you stop.

You want to be a content creator and start building a better life but there are 100s of creators already doing it. 

So you don’t start.


No one has:

  • Lived in your shoes

  • Experienced your experiences

  • Learned what you learned in life

You have the most unique perspective in the world. 

You have a combination of experiences, fears, passions and interests, mental connections and understanding that no one else has.

That is your incomparable difference.


Everyone has their problems.

What you see on the outside of your:

  • Peers

  • Content creators

  • Social media stars

It’s only on the surface, we’re all in the same boat, we all compare ourselves to others. 

We all have it in us to think that other people have better lives than we all.

It is all relative.

Be you always, be that awesome, confident hero that you are.

How to be incomparable

Firstly stop focusing on others, focus on building yourself at your own pace.

Secondly, start writing.

Write about your: 

  • Experiences

  • Feelings

  • Fears

  • Life

Writing is the best way to get a deeper understanding about yourself and through the process you will uncover the things that make you unique.

Start with a daily 10-minute stream-of-consciousness journal.

That is where you just write out whatever your mind is thinking as if your imagination is being typed out in front of you.

It’s strange to do at first, but after a few sessions, you’ll start to see the power of reflecting on your thoughts.

You’ll start to see the patterns your mind follows.

You’ll build confidence in writing out your fears. Once you get them out of your head, you’ll start to worry less.

But ultimately, you’ll start to discover all the things that make you unique and incomparable.

If you want guidance and help to build yourself and your online brand, DM me “creativity” on Twitter