• Jonathan Nott
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  • Impressions from the USA and lessons on being different.

Impressions from the USA and lessons on being different.

This week I am writing from Virgin, Utah, USA. In a tiny house at Wildflower retreat. 
I’ve been in the US for a week and have been snapping photos and taking notes of my observations. 
Therefore I thought this week it would only be fitting to share them. 
I haven’t planned anything else for this weeks newsletter. YOLO
Although I fear that I lack consistency in these newsletters as the theme and subjects seem to change frequently, but as long as I’m consistently posting, that’s all that matters. 
Please keep in mind what I say below are purely observations and not necessarily opinions. I’m trying to be objective as possible, so I hope none of my american friends are offended. You guys are awesome. 
Firstly I want to say, Americans are friendly and helpful as fuck. 
A guy randomly helps us open the door to our hotel as we were struggling with our baggage and continue to walks on his way. 
Random people offer their table to us at a night market in West Hollywood. 
We met a nice couple of store workers that got into conversation with us and treated us like celebs for being “forriegners” it was nice. 
I miss this friendliness in Europe. 
Y’all are friendly and fun people, I love it. 
There’s a lot of personality here. People stand out. People have tattoos and interesting clothing and piercings. 
- Guys with painted nails wearing hello kitty headphones 
- People wearing pyjamas at the airport 
- People with all sorts of alternative clothing 
People have a strong sense of identity here and need to display it, things you don’t see in many other places (Europe especially). 
Americans knows how to stand out, they are the attention grabbers of the world. The entire world is watching them and It’s like they are always on a stage. 
Therefore it feels like there is an underlying need for people to be somebody and stand out. 
Nothing wrong with this, it’s just an interesting observation. 
If you’re building an online audience it’s necessary to stand out here are some ways to do this online: 
-Wear sunglasses 
-Wear a cool jacket 
-Wear a coloured shirt 
-Favourite colour? Show us 
-If you like something show it 
-Do you like cartoons. Talk about them 
-What is your clothing style? Show it off more 
-Do you like video games? What stories can you teach from them? 
Leverage your personality 
You have a plethora of experiences, interests, hobbies and characteristics to be somebody online. You just need to dig them out. 
If you want to know more about your awesome self and how to monetize your personality, I have an E-Book dropping soon! In this book I teach you how to deep dive into your psyche, figure out who you are and what you can offer to world, while helping people along the way. 

If you’re interested reply with “YEZ PLZ” and i’ll put you on the waiting list ;) 
For now, I leave you with a few extra shots from the US, I hope you enjoy.

If you’re stuck ask me for help or ideas, reach out!