I’m sick of this...

Time to go back to basics

F*ck it!

I'm trying something new...or old?

I’m sick of focussing purely on “how to” content.

When starting my writing journey back in December 2023, I wanted to talk about things I’m passionate about.

I wanted to give my perspective on the world, but I ended up getting lost in “writing for followers”.

Yes - "blah blah that’s how you show authority"

Yes - "blah blah that’s how you get growth"

I see a lot of creators online following these frameworks on their posts, and I get it. 

It works. 

But I just can’t do it the same way.

A piece of me dies inside after creating a "How to do ___" post


Because it lacks depth.

I have 10000 interests and hobbies, I love psychology, philosphy and understanding consciousness. That’s the reason why I started writing, so I can explore these topics more and share about them.

But I got lost in trying to only teach people “how to do ___”.

So, what's new then?

I’m going back to why I started writing in the first place.

I’m going to focus on stories and sharing experiences.

Yes, there will still be lessons.

Yes, I’ll still teach you how to do things, that I’ve learnt.

But I’m going to be more vulnerable and incorporate stories.

I’m going to share more:

  • Me

  • My failures

  • My experiences 

And how you can learn from them.

Every human on the planet should be doing this.

If we all shared our authentic experiences and lessons, we’d understand how we are all the same and maybe achieve world peace (lol keep dreaming).

We're all human, we all struggle and we all want happiness.

I hope you vibe with this message.

In other news

I’ve started building a coaching business, I am going to start a 30 day coaching program that will teach people how to be a content creator.

It will cover the following:

  • Discover your personal brand

  • Creating your Offer

  • Building your online audience

  • Create a content creation and lead gen ecosystem

If you find this interesting or want to know more about it, send me a DM on twitter with the words “habanero”

