I'm joining the revolution

It’s been brewing for a while.

But it has spread rapidly these past decades, thanks to the internet.

The idea that society could be different

How could it be different?

More freedom.

  • The freedom to work, how, where and when you want.

  • The freedom to learn, how where and when you want.

Our current systems are set up in a way that makes us invest time and money into learning (college), earn a piece of paper (degree), then spend 1/3 of our lives working a 9-5—building someone else’s dream.

Another 1/3? Spent sleeping.

That leaves you with just 1/3 of your life to live on your terms.

Does that seem fair?

That’s why I decided to join the revolution.

What revolution?

The revolution of creators.

Those who dare to create their own pathway instead of the ones paved by society.

Creators are everywhere: Bloggers, YouTubers, Instagrammers, TikTokkers, 𝕏ers

They are people who take learning and working into their own hands.

Self educate, build an audience, teach that audience, make money.

In other words a Solopreneur.

The problem is so many people think this lifestyle is impossible.

  • “It’s too hard”

  • “There’s too many creators”

  • “I don’t know what to create”

Nah mate, It’s f*cking easy, you just need to get started.

(Btw there’s 5.35Bn people on the internet. Less than 0.01% of them are creators. Opportunity much?)

Explore your curiosity - jump on youtube and learn how to make money.

There’s so much f*cking free information out there on how to make money online, yet people still don’t believe it.

But try this: Go to YouTube and search “How to make money on 𝕏”

Watch a few videos, but don’t do anything, just see what’s possible.

This is exactly what I did at the end of December.

6 months later I’m making $500 per month.

This is just the early stages, I’m still learning and growing and I will scale enough to support myself and my family.

Freedom is possible, you just need to believe it.

So will you join me on the revolution?

I help creators like you discover themselves and unlock monetisation possibilities through 1:1 mentorship. Right now, I’m fully booked with 3 clients.

But! I’ve built a course (still in BETA) which documents my path to joining the revolution. It’ll help you with ideas on how to monetize and build a sustainable income.

Since it’s in BETA, I’m giving it away for an insanely low price. If you’re interested, reply “Habanero” and I’ll send you the details.

Thanks friends and as always, stay legendary ;)
