I'll never make money online

...or so I thought.

I did it.

Something I never thought I could.

I’ve earned my first WiFi money (as Gen Zers say). Translation for millennials = I made money online. Recurring money.

I used to dream of living a life where I have ultimate creative freedom, nothing tying me down like a 9-5 and responsibilities that take away my time and focus.

But that’s all I did.

I dreamt.

For 15 years I envied others living financially free, having enough resource (money) and time to pursue curiosities and hobbies they liked. While I was stuck in my systemised 9-5 life, building someone else’s dream.

So what did I do?

I took action.

I got point in life where this constant internal suffering eventually spiked me to do something about it.

But it’s not only action you need, it’s also focus.

See I’ve been in action trying to make money since 2012.

  • Drummer in a band

  • Digital Marketing Agency

  • YouTube Channel

  • Instagram and TikTok videos

  • Twitter / 𝕏

That’s 12 years ago… I’ve tried many things and learned many lessons along the way.

But I had no focus.

I would get distracted by new tools, by new content ideas and new ways to make money that I never stuck to anything.

Out of those 12 years.

It only took me 6 months. I stopped chasing every new trend and zeroed in on what truly worked on 𝕏.

If I started again I could easily do it in half that time.

And what’s crazy, for some people even that’s a long time. Some of my friends online started monetising on 𝕏 within 30 days.

That’s the power of action, that’s the power of focus.

Does this sound like you too?

Do you want to take action towards your dream life?

Well let me say you already have by subscribing to my newsletter. For that - thank you!

Secondly I’m working on some things:

I have a mentorship program that helps people build a personal brand online monetising their skills and hobbies - unfortunately it’s full for this month but I want to do something crazy…

I’m building a course.

This course is designed to take you from feeling lost to confidently monetising your content on 𝕏.

It’s in BETA at the moment, and there are updates constantly being added and for that I’m offering a super crazy ridiculous discount.

You’ll have access to the current and future versions too.

Interested? Reply to this email with “habanero” and I’ll send you more details!

Thank you friends,