Who the F*ck are you?

Online, who are you and what do you offer to the world?

There are so many creators online, this can be a daunting thought to those new to content creation.

“There are already so many creators.”

“I’m not creative.”

“The market is already saturated.”

“I don’t know what content to make.”

are doubts that flood the mind when it comes to approaching content creation.

There’s a way to erase this thinking.

What if I told you you already have enough experience and skills to create content?

Every single person on this planet has a unique:

  • Perspective

  • Experience

  • Skills

Those things combined make a part of your personality.

You’ve accomplished things in your life:

  • Graduated from School

  • Found a job

  • Are in a relationship

  • Defeated a boss in a video game

  • Cooked a meal

Millions of people struggle with things like this and you are there to help solve them.

So, if I were to tell you that you already have a gold mind for creating content, would you believe me?

I will explain how to turn off these doubts and uncover your gold mine of content ideas.

But first, why?

Why Become a “Content Creator.”

Let’s look at content creation as storytelling.

Humans have been telling stories since the dawn of time, since cave drawings.

It was our way of sharing our experiences with the world.

What are we doing here? Why do we exist?

Well, the only way to further the human race is to discuss and document our experiences along the way.

Share our perspective, tell stories and write.

We’ve created 1000s of texts from our history: 

  • The Bible

  • The Quran

  • The Torah

  • Egyptian book of the dead

The point is that humans share their perspective and beliefs with the world.

You don’t have to talk about religion or belief. 

But you can talk about what YOU are passionate about and educate on what you know, how you do things and why it’s beneficial.

Not only will this bring you joy and excitement in your life, it will improve your knowledge and understanding of your passions.

You will build a community and connect with others who share similar passions.

You will be able to make a living off your passions. (If you do it wisely)

Let’s uncover your skills and experiences.

So who am I, and what content can I make?

We need to dig into your psyche, your past, your core and pluck out that gold that’s burried.

This exercise should get you objectively looking at your experiences and passions and kick start ideas of what you can create content for.

Psyche journaling exercise

We’re going to start with writing.

We need to develop a journaling habit to dig deep into your psyche and extract those awesome personality traits.

You have a multitude of experiences in life; everything you’ve done, seen, heard, and built is a result of your personality. 

Start a morning journaling routine; when you wake up stretch and have a glass of water, and dump out your thoughts. 

Trust the process; we are going to dig out elements of your shadow that might be uncomfortable, but we will use this to find your personal brand.

Create a google doc called “Who Am I” Ask yourself these questions:

  • What traits of your personality have held you back?

  • What conflict have you dealt with?

  • What is your shadow/darkness? Describe it

  • What traits of your personality do you enjoy?

Do this daily for 15mins and reflect at the end of the week on your answers.

The more you do this, the easier it will become, and the more memories and ideas will come to mind. 

Once you’ve got a good understanding, you’ll be more conscious of your psyche and now you can use this journaling time to track any improvements, moments of doubt, feelings and conflict you experience in your day.


What are you passionate about? 

Start a new Google Doc called “Passions” and list out every single thing that comes to mind that you like, love, and are passionate about. It can be anything, even things you were passionate about but don’t care about as much any more.

Be specific, don’t just write “Music” write the type of music, artist or instrument.

Here’s an example from my list:

  • Guitar

  • Singing

  • Drumming

  • Absurdism

  • The Witcher

  • Existentialism

  • Skateboarding

  • Belief philosophy

  • Game of Thrones

  • Avenged Sevenfold

  • The Legend of Zelda

  • Red Dead Redemption

  • Personality Psychology

  • Dungeons and Dragons

Keep this doc handy and add to it as more things come to mind over time.

You’re building a list of things you like.

Over time you’ll discover synergies between them and will be able to leverage the skills and learnings to fuel your writing.

Next Steps


Open a social media account:

  • X

  • Instagram

  • TikTok

  • Facebook

  • Medium

And start creating content.

You have ideas now on what you can create.

Just get started and update as you go. 

Your first content will be basic, it will suck, and no one will care.

Just keep going and keep growing.

Let me know how this goes. If you’re stuck, ask me for help or ideas