• Jonathan Nott
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  • How I built confidence and my brand through comedy

How I built confidence and my brand through comedy

How I built confidence and my brand through comedy

Before we dive into the story here, I’m changing my letters; I’m working on making them more concise and time-efficient to focus more on building my brand on X.

So I hope you enjoy the conciseness.

I will also pivot my writing to focus on building on X and monetization.

Feedback welcome.

I used to struggle with my confidence. 

I created a brand on comedy to fill up my sense of anxiety. 

I used comedy as a way to escape the pain of anxiety I went through. 

I let my shyness interfere with not only my life but also 

But I let it interfere with my business & brand endeavours. 

I was an introvert at heart, so my ability to express myself was challenging.

It showed through not only my relationships. But my content. 

I was fed up with my situation. 

So what did I do? 

I watched 100+ YouTube videos on self-confidence. 

I did everything I could to find a way to talk about my passions. 

Fast forward to today. 

I overcame my confidence. 

I dived into callisthenics while the crowd dove into bodybuilding. 

I’ve managed to build 40k+ followers as a comedic influencer. 

I’ve managed to take on new endeavours & met great people on X. 

All because I learned how to overcome my shyness & embrace my personality. 

Nobody remembers what you do today, nor will they remember tomorrow. 

I’ve learned the importance of embracing your strengths & weaknesses.

Pushing your boundaries. 

Trying new things. 

By doing these simple things. 

You’ll not only build a unique brand, but you’ll become a person you’re proud of.