What are you building?

I normally write my letters on Friday morning.

I spend an hour alone with my thoughts, write and schedule it to go out Saturday around 9am (Amsterdam time).

It’s Wednesday morning, 7:26am.

I’m sitting in my basement, it’s grey and raining outside.

I’m SUUUUUPER excited though, because in 3 hours l’m heading to the Airport to fly, litterally to the other side of the world.


Living abroad has it’s perks but there’s no greater feeling like traveling home.

Australia is a magical place and I feel very proud that I get to call that place home.

Friendly people, beautiful beaches, amazing weather, wildlife, nature and 1001 beasts that could kill you 😜 

That last point was a joke of course. The media love to overhype things that can kill you in Australia.

Anyway, having your heart in 2 places isn’t easy.

Friends and Family on the other side of the world, 24hr flight away.

It’s tough and sometimes I wish we could just teleport between each country and visit everyone all the time. I’m sure Elon Musk will work this out someday.

But alas, that is not possible, we have responsiblities like; work.

We are tied to our corporate duties of fulilling a number of hours dedicated to building another persons empire.

I’m greatful for my 9-5, truly, but it is the one thing that keeps me from being free.

  • Freedom to work, when and where I like.

  • Freedom to travel, when and where I like.

  • Freedom to visit my family on the otherside of the world, when I like.

This lack of freedom, is the biggest driver for me writing this email right now.

Because this email is part of something I’m building.

It’s a small piece of a big puzzle.

That puzzle is an ecosystem of content and buisness.

I’m building a business.


Because I want freedom.

I want to work:

  • When I want.

  • How I want.

  • Where I want.

And thanks to the internet, that’s possible. There are hundreds of people living this dream right now, sharing their journey and educating others how they got there.

It’s a revolution.

The creator economy is real and it’s growing faster than ever.

Kids as young as 15 are building audiences on Twitter and monetizing.

There are numerous young adults in their early 20’s who have made millions already.

Some people say:

“Yeah, but they’re lucky”

“Influencing is a bit done now”

“I don’t have any content to create”

It’s never been easier to start a business and build an audience.

And there is no greater content creator than you! Everyone has unique stories to tell.

So, that’s exactly what I’m doing and why I have:

I’m building a coaching business, to teach people how to:

  • Set goals

  • Create content

  • Build a productivity system

Without systems, you won’t get very far.

I’ve successfully built a 40k following across TikTok and Instagram, so I know how to build an audience.

I’m applying what I’ve learned on those platforms, learning from other successful solopreneurs and now building on Twitter.

I’ll save the “Why I moved from creating Instragms and TikToks, to writing” another day.

This email is part of that building process, I’m writing to you; my 42 friends who are supporting me on this journey.

I want to learn, grow and educate you on how I will achieve freedom.

This process also keeps me accountable and I’m not going to stop until I’m there.

The question is, what are you building?

What are your:

  • Dreams

  • Vision

  • Goals

And what is your plan to get there?

I help people set actionable goals in my coaching program, if you want help, please reply back to this email with “Habanero” for a free 30min call to help you set some life goals.

As always, thank you my friends
